Account and Transaction - V3.1.1
Provides the ability for account information service providers (AISPs) registered with Open Banking to access a customer's account and transaction information
Confirmation of Funds - V3.1.1
Provides the ability for allow a Card Based Payment Instrument Issuer ('CBPII')
Dynamic Client Registration - V1.1.0
Software Statement Assertion to an ASPSP for the purpose of creating OAuth clients
OIDC - V1.1.5
Open Banking compliant OpenID Connect provider
Payment initiation - V3.1.1
Provides the ability for payment initiation service providers (PISPs)
Well known - V1.1.0
Frequently asked questions
Open banking is a simple, secure way to help you move, manage and make more of your money.
Please refer to the Open Banking website for further details.
The developer portal is for software developers of Third Party Providers (TPPs) to provide the information needed to connect to our APIs.
We support Open Banking OBWAC and OBSeal certificates.
If you are not enrolled with Open Banking and have suitable eIDAS (QSEAL and QWAC) certificates we can accept these once you are manually registered with us.
We allow Dynamic Client Registration providing you have enrolled with Open Banking and uploaded your certificates.
If you are not enrolled with Open Banking and have suitable eIDAS (QSEAL and QWAC) certificates and appropriate permissions from your relevant NCA please email us at with the subject "Manual Registration" and we will process your request.
Please email
We will respond to your email query during normal office hours, Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm.
To assist us, please include your Open Banking organisation ID.
Please raise a ticket via our Service-Now portal (if you are registered), raise a ticket via the Open Banking Service Desk (Problem with an ASPSP > Clydesdale Bank) or email
We will respond to your email query during normal office hours, Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm.
To assist us, please include as much information as possible so we can attempt to replicate your issue including whether the issue is with our merged or standalone APIs.
Transaction Code – Current a/c & Savings
- Adjustment
- BankersOrderDeposit
- CashWithdrawal
- ChequeDeposit
- ChequePayment
- Credit
- Debit
- Deposit
- Interest
- InterestToBank
- Payment
- TaxAdjustment
- Transfer
Transaction Code – Credit Cards
- BalanceTransfer
- BalanceTransferAdjustment
- CashAdvance
- CashAdvanceAdjustment
- ChequePayment
- Fee
- FeeAdjustment
- Interest
- InterestAdjustment
- MoneyTransfer
- MoneyTransferAdjustment
- Payment
- PaymentAdjustment
- PreAuth
- Purchase
- Refund
Pagination is NOT supported. In line with existing web channels, transaction APIs will return up to 13 months of data for Credit Cards and Current accounts and up to 5000 (TBC) transactions for Savings accounts
Credit card customers can provide consents using the mobile phone that their Virgin Money credit card mobile app is registered on, either using web to app or app to app redirection.
If the web to app journey is required, the customer will need to use a web-browser on the mobile phone that their Virgin Money mobile app is registered on.
This error is usually caused when the security settings on the customer’s mobile phone have defaulted to standard settings following an upgrade by the mobile phone operating system provider, usually Android by sometimes Apple.
The first thing customers should try to resolve this scenario is to uninstall the Virgin Money credit card app, restart their mobile then reinstall the app latest version.
If it is still not working after that, they should follow these steps:
- Check that the browser the customer is using is set to allow the browser to open apps (the consenting process takes the user to a web based landing page - if the browser is set to disallow the opening of Apps, it will fail at this point with a 414 error). This is an android specific step.
- Restart phone
- Complete consent journey again
Don’t use Google Chrome, use a different browser.
Having trouble?
Contact our dedicated team members via our ticketing system or via our support mailbox