Account and Transaction

Version 3.1.1 (Current Version)

What this API does

These APIs provide the ability for account information service providers (AISPs) registered with Open Banking to access a customer's account and transaction information.

  • Register an intent to retrieve account information by creating an "account access consent". This registers the data "permissions", expiration and historical period allowed for transactions / statements - that the customer (PSU) has consented to provide to the AISP.
  • Subsequently, retrieve account and transaction data.

Please note the example responses accurately reflect the response data being returned by Virgin Money. The models are the industry standard definitions and do NOT accurately reflect the data that will be returned by Virgin Money.


  • Restricted to authorised AISPs - see support pages for information on how to onboard.
  • For Transport & Signing certificates supported - see support pages
  • For production endpoint - see support pages.













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