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Frequently asked questions

What is Open Banking?

Open Banking allows for customers' banking data to be safely shared with trusted Third Party Providers (TPPs).

Please refer to the Open Banking website for further details

Who is the developer portal designed for?

The developer portal is for software developers of Third Party Providers (TPPs) to provide the information needed to connect to our APIs.

What APIs are being decommissioned?

From 23 September 2022 we will be decommissioning the B, CB and YB branded APIs. From this date you will not be able to create or re-authenticate consents or initiate payments under these brands. We will continue to support requests to access AIS and CBPII information for existing consents under these brands until the end of December 2022. All efforts should be made by TPPs to connect to the Virgin Money branded APIs before this time to avoid customer impact.

How does a Third Party Provider (TPP) on-board?

We allow Dynamic Client Registration providing you have enrolled with Open Banking and uploaded your certificates.

If you are not enrolled with Open Banking and have suitable eIDAS (QSEAL and QWAC) certificates and appropriate permissions from your relevant NCA please email us at with the subject "Manual Registration" and we will process your request

How do I register for your Service-Now support portal?

Please email

We will respond to your email query during normal office hours, Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm.

To assist us, please include your Open Banking organisation ID.

Who do I contact if I have any Virgin Money Open Banking issues or queries?

Please raise a ticket via our Service-Now  portal (if you are registered), raise a ticket via the Open Banking Service Desk (Problem with an ASPSP > Clydesdale Bank) or email

We will respond to your email query during normal office hours, Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm.

To assist us, please include as much information as possible so we can attempt to replicate your issue including whether the issue is with our merged or standalone APIs.

Which type of certificates do you support ?

We support Open Banking OBWAC and OBSeal certificates.

If you are not enrolled with Open Banking and have suitable eIDAS (QSEAL and QWAC) certificates we can accept these once you are manually registered with us.

How many years/months transactions history information do you make available from your API?

The Transaction API will return transaction details for any period that the customer provides consent for, and if TransactionFromDateTime and TransactionToDateTime are not specified it will be default to 90 days.

Why am I getting a '400 Bad Request' error message when attempting to dynamically register using the Merged API endpoints?

Dynamic registration endpoints expect specific validation headers.

Some of our more frequent issues with Dynamic Registration are:
1) Field 'Aud'- uses the regex function (^[0-9a-zA-Z]{1,18}$) to identify this field and doesn't accept special characters.
2) Field 'Jti'- uses the regex function (^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-4[0-9a-fA-F]{3}-[89abAB][0-9a-fA-F]{3}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$) to identify this field and doesn't accept lower case characters.
3) Content Type - should be 'application/jose', not 'application/jwt'.

Do you allow customers to delete consents?

We do not offer any way for customers to delete their consents. Please ensure you have built this functionality into your application before allowing customers to grant consents.

What do the error codes mean within the HTTP 403 error message?

1) Error code 002 = no client certificate was found in session. Please check your request and try again.
2) Error code 003 = client certificate was found in session but was not QWAC type. Please check your request and try again. This is only possible if you are using an eIDAS certificate.
3) Error code 004 = client certificate was found in session but failed OCSP validation. Please check your request and try again.

How far in advance can future dated payments be created?

Future dated payments can be made up to 365 days in advance.

What products are available under the Merged APIs?

For a comprehensive list of products available under each API refer to the Accounts List document found at Virgin Money Open Banking Available Accounts v3.3

Having trouble?

Contact our dedicated team members via our ticketing system or via our support mailbox

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